
Processed high quality green tea extract powder can inhibit the influenza virus

Researchers have used a high quality green tea extract powder has developed a new anti-flu drugs. Animal experiments show that drugs that inhibit the effect of influenza virus infection, comparable to anti-flu drugs Tamiflu.
According to reports, this drug is Osaka University and Yokohama City Institute of Hygiene researchers used green tea catechin EGCG from the processing. Previously, it was already aware of EGCG inhibit viral effect, but direct drinking green tea, EGCG immediately break down in the body, can not play a role. To this end, the researchers let EGCG combined with one auxiliary acid, so as not to be broken down in the body.
The researchers processed the EGCG inhibits viral infection of the same effect as an anti-influenza drug Tamiflu. Processed high quality green tea extract egcg can indeed prevent viruses from infecting cells, even if the virus invasion of success, it also inhibits proliferation in cells.


The Caution high quality danshen salvia miltiorrhiza

[Sexual flavor to the bitter, slightly cold. The heart, liver.
[Effect] blood to regulate menstruation, blood stasis and pain, cooling carbuncle, pure heart Chufan, nourishing the nerves.
[Attending] irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, Zhengjia accumulation of abdominal irritation, pain, heat paralysis, sore throat, upset, insomnia; hepatosplenomegaly, angina.
[Application] high quality danshen salvia miltiorrhiza for Sternocostal hypochondriac pain, rheumatism, Zhengjia agglomeration, sore throat, or servant pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis pain. Sternocostal pain treatment, Zhengjia agglomeration, as well as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea pain have a good effect, often with Chuanxiong application compatibility. In terms of the treatment of abdominal pain belong to blood stasis, often with villosum, sandalwood and other drug use. For febrile disease heat penetrating the blood, body fat rash, irritability coma. Often with fresh yellow, buffalo horn, Scrophulariaceae and other drug use. For palpitation and insomnia. Often with Semen, Bozi other drugs with the same use.Dosage decoction, 9 ~ 15g. Blood circulation wine Sunburn should use.
[Note] Use anti-veratridine. Pregnant women with caution. [Adverse reactions]
1) individual patients appear stomach pain, decreased appetite, oropharyngeal drying, nausea and vomiting, and Salvia can inhibit the secretion of digestive juices. It should be discontinued, and oral Weishuping, probanthine and other drugs, and might subcutaneous injection of atropine.
2) Advanced Individual schistosome hepatosplenomegaly patients, after taking large doses of Salvia upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurs. Salvia should be discontinued, and give hemostatic agents, vitamins and the like.
3) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. can cause allergic reactions, manifested as body itching, rash, urticaria, and some also with see chest tightness, suffocation, difficulty breathing, and even then chills, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, irritability, then pale, cold extremities sweating , decreased blood pressure, fainting and even shock. Intramuscular injection of epinephrine immediately or dexamethasone and phenergan and other allergy medication, while traditional Chinese medicine Shengmaisan subtraction conditioning.


Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae sheet which is suitable for the crowd

Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae sheet is blood circulation, qi pain medicine. Mainly used for angina, high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, and chest tightness and other symptoms. And its efficacy is reliable and less Salvia tablets side effects. But do not eat too often. So Shen Tablet which people apply? Several times a day, taking good?
Salvia sheet has expansion of coronary artery, increase coronary blood flow, heart rate, improve the effectiveness of myocardial ischemia, for patient populations with the following symptoms:
1, sports-related chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath or headache, toothache, leg pain.
2, meal, cold or watching adventure films chest pain, heart palpitations.
3, high pillow to sleep supine, supine feel chest tightness, can only sit for immediate relief.5, after hearing the noise or nightmares often palpitation, chest tightness.
6, recurring pulse arrhythmia, unexplained tachycardia or bradycardia.
High quality salvia miltiorrhiza Bge extract powder sheet to 3 times a day, once a 3-4 appropriate. Salvia blood scattered silt, swelling and bleeding, inflammation and pain, menstrual pain, coronary artery expansion, improve myocardial ischemia condition, lower blood pressure, meditation soothe the nerves, blood sugar and antibacterial effects, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, Zhengjia accumulation of abdominal irritation, pain, heat paralysis, sore throat, upset, insomnia; hepatosplenomegaly, angina and other diseases have a certain effect.
Salvia sheet as a clinical widely used as a traditional Chinese medicine, has a multi-component, multi-target, multi-layered effect, and can be by scavenging oxygen free radicals and inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators, anti-platelet aggregation and regulation of lipid metabolism and other link to play the role of prevention and treatment of AS, has a unique advantage in the treatment of cardiovascular disease.


The Usage of High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.

High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. of acrid, bitter, slightly cold. Heart, spleen, lung hydrocarbons. Resuscitation Stasis, heat and pain. Then 1 Danshen tablets for Sternocostal hypochondriac pain, rheumatism, Zhengjia agglomeration, sore throat, or servant pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, Danshen tablets postpartum stasis pain. Sternocostal pain treatment, Zhengjia agglomeration, as well as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea pain have a good effect, often with Chuanxiong application compatibility. In terms of the treatment of abdominal pain belong to blood stasis, Salvia often with villosum, sandalwood and other drug use. For febrile disease heat penetrating the blood, body fat rash, irritability coma. Often with fresh yellow, buffalo horn, Scrophulariaceae and other drug use. For palpitation and insomnia. Often with Semen, Bozi other drugs with the same use. 2. Danshen tablets for High quality Sodium Tanshinone IIASilate for sore throat, not grabbing after the collapse. Danshen tablets also detoxification, anti-corrosion myogenic role. In this product with vermilion, sesame oil topical cream made of reddish-brown, can cure hot burns; and elephantiasis, dragon's blood, frankincense equated with, collapse is not grabbing sore after treatment, such as Shengjisan. This product was dissolved with stirring in modern walnut oil ear drops, treatment of acute and chronic otitis media, has a good effect.
closed card coma. Danshen tablets have resuscitation refreshing effect, but not as musk, the two often phase shall be used. However, borneol partial cold, cold to open the product, it is appropriate cure fever, coma, phlegm closed Jue heat stroke, convulsions in children and other heat off, often with the bezoar, musk Fan, berberine, such as compatibility, such as security palace bezoar pill. If the temperature in relieving migraine warm and resuscitation drug compatibility, you can also treat cold closed. 3 Danshen tablets. For red eyes and throat, pharyngitis mouth sores. Danshen tablets bitter cold, heat pain, swelling of the power for ENT commonly used drugs. Treat red eyes and throat, eye That effect alone: ??also with calamine, borax, made of bear bile and other eyedrops, such as eye drops Eight. Treatment of sore throat, mouth sores, often with borax, cinnabar, Xuan Ming powder of research to fine, blowing wrap the affected area, as ice boron. Wind-heat treatment of pharyngitis, "Set near Lake Jane Fang" In and of rushes, cork, alum total at the end, blowing the affected area to take effect. 4.


The efficacy and role of high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides

high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides is a plant with high medicinal value. Ginkgo, alias ginkgo, maidenhair tree, is gymnosperms, and all its other plants with the doors have been extinct, called "relict plant."
high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides is a plant with high medicinal value, China is an ancient ginkgo tree species, it is the magical medical tree, 2 Jurassic dinosaurs 150 million years ago, Earth control, ginkgo has been the most prosperous one of the plants. After billions of years of life on Earth change, especially after the glaciers covering the fourth century, only ginkgo remains its most original look, in the history of biological chemistry play is called a "living fossil." Its leaves, fruits, seeds have high medicinal value, its pharmacological effects continue to be recognized, and gradually expand the range of clinical applications.
Ginkgo biloba extract may reduce the body's cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis. After slight activity in the elderly physically frail, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness and other significant improvement.
By increasing vascular permeability and elasticity and lower blood pressure, ginkgo extract may have a better antihypertensive effect.
Ginkgo biloba extract can eliminate the deposition of components of the vascular wall, improve blood rheology, enhance the deformability of red blood cells, reduce blood viscosity, so that blood flow, prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Arteriosclerosis caused by Alzheimer's disease have a certain effect.
high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides in combination with antidiabetic medicine treatment of diabetes have a good effect, can be used for adjuvant diabetes.
high quality reduce blood pressure can significantly reduce menstrual pain and back pain and other symptoms. For the treatment of bronchial asthma, it has a good effect high quality Ginkgo Biloba Extract can reduce lipid peroxidation, reduce freckles, moisturize the skin, beautiful face.
high quality Ginkgo Biloba Extract on prevention of angina pectoris have significant effects, can improve cardiac blood flow and protect ischemic myocardium function, can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, increased high-density lipoprotein, improve certain hemorheology indicators for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is important transaction manager can significantly improve the clinical symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease, such as dizziness, lightheadedness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue has a better effect.
Ginkgo biloba extract on hyperlipidemia have a preventive effect, can significantly reduce blood lipid levels, reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease in the elderly.
Ginkgo biloba extract can inhibit the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines and other substances.
Through the preparation of Ginkgo biloba extract clinical application and found that it can improve cell blood circulation, activate cell metabolism, thus treating elderly patients with dementia, sequelae of brain injury, cerebral thrombosis and other diseases significantly.


Pharmacological effects of High quality Tribulus P.E

1. High quality Tribulus P.E vitro antibacterial antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus stronger than berberine, H37RV of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains (MIC up to 1.5mg / ml or less) of the two Trichophyton also inhibit .
2. The anti-inflammatory effects by gavage to rats High quality Tribulus P.E significant anti-inflammatory effect. In the first phase of the inflammatory model induced by histamine increased capillary permeability significantly inhibited; egg white, carrageenan and dextran-induced acute joint swelling inhibition; exudative peritonitis inhibit formaldehyde effect. In the second phase of the inflammation model, gelatin leukocyte migration induced mice significantly inhibited; subacute formaldehyde on joint swelling significantly inhibited. Third model of inflammation, granuloma experiment without inhibition (ie chronic phase had no effect). Tan increase rat blood PGF2α and reduced levels of PGE may be related to the anti-inflammatory mechanism of action related to Tan. 3. The anti-clotting effects of Tan has anticoagulant activity. More effective than the original child aldehyde strong tea.
4. Other effects of High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. can increase the survival rate of mice under hypoxia or prolong the survival time. Tan has anti-androgenic effect, reducing sebum production, has anti Propionibacterium acnes, and mitigate exacerbated by the bacterial metabolism of inflammation. It can be used to treat acne. Tan typhoid vaccine-induced fever in rabbits have antipyretic effects. Tan mice showed a more moderate, acting through ovarian estrogenic activity.
5. Tan observed in vivo process after duodenal administration of drugs by the liver into the bile case, the results showed that rat duodenal administration in general about 1h can be measured with a little bile discharge Tan its peak discharge after administration about 3h. Tanshinone different structures in the liver excretion rate is not the same. Further experiments also found in the bile extracted with chloroform Tan, an aqueous solution of partially denatured proteins are precipitated bile, there is a certain link between its content and different administration groups.


The pharmacodynamics of Sodium Tanshinone IIA Silate

(1) Sodium Tanshinone IIA Silate coronary artery role: the treatment of coronary heart disease, improves coronary circulation, inhibit thrombosis disease. Danshensu a significant expansion of coronary artery, increase coronary blood flow, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, heart rate and increased myocardial contractile force. After Tan ⅡA by a water-soluble substance obtained sulfonated sodium tanshinone ⅡA (Sodium TanshinonⅡA SilateA), can increase coronary blood flow, improving myocardial metabolism disorder caused by hypoxia, thereby enhancing the ability of myocardial hypoxia. There is a significant role in the protection of the red cell membrane. Animals have reduced myocardial infarct size effects. Under certain dose there inotropic effect. Its toxicity is very small. Suitable for angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and chest, it can also be used for premature ventricular contractions. Efficacy in patients with coronary heart disease and Salvia Injection similar. (2)Sodium Tanshinone IIA Silate on cardiac repair: danshensu and tanshinone IIA hypoxia can significantly prolong the time to reduce hypoxia-induced myocardial injury, while improving myocardial contractility, promote myocardial regeneration.
(3) the role of microcirculation Tan: Salvia Shuxin Capsule expansion animals arterioles, capillary net increase in the number of open, accelerate blood flow, flow, thereby improving microcirculation.
(4) Effect of tanshinone hemorrheology: danshensu and tanshinone IIA can inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation, inhibition of platelet TXA2 synthesis and release of vasoconstrictor substances and promote the degradation of fibrin. Can reduce coronary heart disease, stroke, cerebral ischemia and myocardial infarction patients whole blood and plasma viscosity, hematocrit reduction, through the action of viscosity reduction of anticoagulation in patients with normal blood rheology.
(5) the role of lipids Tan: In plain Salvia inhibit endogenous cholesterol synthesis, reducing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is generated, reducing neutral fat can be used for atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia caused by atherosclerosis. (6) Tan Tan ⅡA action against AS formation. Low density means the protein causes bovine vascular endothelial cell injury has a protective effect. Elevated blood cholesterol levels, particularly low-density finger protein (LDL) cholesterol concentration increased content can cause arterial endothelial cell damage, leading to atherosclerosis occurs. This study aims to evaluate the impact of the EC Tan ⅡA damage caused by LDL. Tan ⅡA has antioxidant, can prevent LDL oxidation, thereby protecting the EC, to maintain the normal function of the secretion PGL2 anti-AS formation.
(7) High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. anti-infection, and surgery for pyogenic infections (acute tonsillitis, otitis externa, osteomyelitis, surgical infections, etc.). This product is one of the active ingredients Salvia antibacterial in vitro inhibition test for M. tuberculosis H37 Rv bacteria have strong activity.
(8) High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. for the treatment of cervical erosion.
(9) Tan Tan ⅡA treat certain skin and acne.
(10) Tan Tan ⅡA treat hepatitis and leprosy.


The magic effects of high quality echinacea extract benefits

People living in a challenging complex environments: bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. These pathogens always rattling in an attempt to endanger our health. However, the human body have a strong army, strong defense against the foreign invasion. This is the immune system. Many diet and lifestyle can affect the strength of the army immunity, which is often some people sick, some people are resistant to strong reasons. This issue we want to introduce, is a gift of nature to us, can boost the immune system's natural high quality echinacea extract benefits .
The immune system, the body's magical army
Humans from birth, it is threatened by a variety of bacteria. If the system does not have a human body, complete and effective defense attacks, humans are long gone. In addition to the human body's defense system our bodies natural barrier tissue such as skin, oral and intestinal mucosa outside the body as well as a specific defense system, and that is what we call "the immune system." The ability of this system of defense is attack "immunity." And it is this magic immune system's army, to ensure human health.This magical army in the end what is power? Immune system has three main functions. First, defense and resistance: when it comes to foreign objects invade immune cells produce antibodies, maintain good health, like knives and guns to kill the enemy soldiers out the same. Second, clear and stable: the body's immune cells would waste removal, waste including those aging dead cells, bodies of the enemy, foreign matter, such as: sputum, pus and the like. Third, monitoring and repair: immune cells the body will instantly repair damaged tissue, the renegade cells instantly clear, such as: wound healing, cancer prevention.
The strength of the immune system is affected by many factors. The first is the age. Life has low immunity of two phases, namely the children's stage and old age. Child's immune system is not yet mature, function is not perfect, low immunity; while the older body organs function decline, decreased ability to obtain nutrition, immune organs coupled with shrinking recession, leading to decreased immunity. Thus, we see that each flu outbreaks, children and the elderly, are always the first victims, they are the most susceptible to the disease two people. Followed by poor lifestyle and habits, long-term mental stress, malnutrition, lack of exercise or lack of sleep, regular smoking, heavy drinking, etc., can suppress the immune system, reduce the army's combat effectiveness. Third, environmental pollution, overuse of antibiotics and other drugs, radiation and other factors, we will suppress the body's immune system.
If the immune system is damaged, it will bring a series of serious consequences: physical weakness, malnutrition, listlessness, fatigue, decreased appetite, sleep disorders. Colds, diarrhea, tonsillitis and other ailments will frequently attack, illness, injections and medicine became commonplace, each must be very sick for a long time to recover, and often recurrent. The long run will lead to poor physical and mental development, but also easy to induce major diseases.
Echinacea VS cold medicine
Prominent effect of Echinacea is to combat influenza. Let's look at the results Echinacea and cold medicines PK it!
The first round, the active ingredient. Active ingredient Echinacea is extracted from natural echinacea, cold medicine is chemically synthesized.
The second round, side effects. high quality health benefits echinacea: a large number of people and laboratory experiments which show that the human body without any side effects, even infants are safe to eat; cold medicine: the prevalence of drowsiness, dizziness, headache, gastrointestinal discomfort, loss of appetite, dry mouth, liver and kidney toxicity and other side effects.
The third round, the mode of action. high quality echinacea 400 mg benefits : The ingredients synergies, tackling the problem; cold medicine: to alleviate the symptoms, not the root cause indicators.
Fourth round, after the closure of. high quality pale purple coneflower: cold symptoms disappeared or weakened immune system enhancement. Cold medicine: cold symptoms disappeared or diminished, reduced immunity.
EchinaceaActivate your immunity
Echinacea, also known as echinacea, purple cone flower, Asteraceae, perennial herb. Echinacea cone which looks like a hedgehog spikes. This is actually Echinacea purpurea (echinacea) named reasons: echinos Greek meaning hedgehog.
As early as the seventeenth century, Native Americans have been using Echinacea. They used this plant to treat snake bites, gums and oral diseases, colds, coughs, septicemia, sore throat, abdominal pain. Historically it is also used to treat scarlet fever, syphilis, malaria, sepsis, and diphtheria. Throughout the 19th century, it is the United States the most widely used plants, traditional naturopath doctors and it will be used. 20th century, Echinacea began in Germany prevailed, and quickly swept the world. Before the discovery of antibiotics, Native Americans use echinacea to treat infections, wounds more than 400 years of history. Until the 1940s, it is still the United States use of plant official list, the antibiotic until it is replaced.
Echinacea strong body miraculous army - the immune system has great benefits. Echinacea can stimulate immune cell proliferation, representing an increase of size of the army; but also can stimulate the immune cell activity, as a military weapon upgrade, the "millet plus rifles" into missiles. Numerous studies show that echinacea has a remarkable role in the anti-inflammatory, bactericidal aspects. Studies have shown that echinacea contain a variety of natural plant active ingredients, according to the different parts of the active ingredient composition is slightly different. Echinacea root contains the active ingredient mainly flavonoids have antioxidant, free radical killing effectiveness; its flower stems and leaves contain active ingredients are: polysaccharides (to improve immunity), flavonoids (antioxidant), volatile oil (anti-bacterial, anti-viral), caffeic acid derivatives (scavenge free radicals, alleviate leukopenia). Thus, the roots of echinacea can prevent major flu, part of its flower stems and leaves can reduce upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, wound healing and the treatment of various cold.
Effective nutrition prescription
Numerous studies confirm that Echinacea has many health benefits, a lot of pain in the face, it is a true nutrition prescription.
1. strengthen the immune system, effective against bacteria, viruses. Echinacea can increase macrophage activity to bacteria, viruses, or other sources of infection and even cancer has greatly increased lethality; also promote the production of interferon, help the body fight the virus attacks, such as colds and flu. Particularly significant it is that echinacea can enhance the vitality of a class of immune cells --NK (Natural Killer) cells. Early onset supplement Echinacea preparations for colds, coughs, strep throat were significantly improved effect.
2. improve acne inflammation. Clinical trials showed that 4 g or 1 teaspoon of Echinacea syrup inhibit inflammation effect equivalent to 100 mg of hydrocortisone. Also Echinacea ointment in acne can also protect the skin from sun damage damage.
3. against candidiasis infection. German studies show that Echinacea enhanced macrophage activity and increase the overall number of immune cells help prevent bacterial infections caused by inflammation of the rosary. At the same time, echinacea for people with chronic fatigue syndrome also improve the role, because candidiasis infections usually accompanied by or caused by this syndrome.


Hypoglycemic Effect of green tea extract thereof

A plurality of test data confirmed that polyphenols are inhibitors of sucrose, and therefore high quality green tea extract powder is possible to suppress the conversion of glucose to sucrose, glucose and so decrease. In addition, there are few reports showed that tea polyphenols can be used for anti-caries, clear bad breath, weight loss, beauty and so on. Polyphenols cancer, anti-aging, hypoglycemic, prevent atherosclerosis, liver and other liver damage associated with antioxidant, scavenging the body of harmful free radicals. Currently polyphenols has been approved as a food antioxidant applications. In Hungary catechins as hepatoprotective drugs already on the market. In China, high quality green tea extract egcg polyphenols have also been put into production as a cardiovascular therapy.


The role and effectives of high quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.

 First, High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. on the cardiovascular system
1, cardiac enhance myocardial contractility, improve heart function, without increasing myocardial oxygen consumption
2, coronary vasodilation, increased myocardial blood flow; peripheral vascular dilation, increased blood flow; decreased cerebral blood flow
3, antithrombotic increase plasmin activity; prolonged coagulation time; inhibition of platelet aggregation (inhibition of cAMP levels increase platelet TXA2 synthesis); improved rheology (reducing blood viscosity, erythrocyte electrophoresis time is shortened)
4, improve microcirculation
Second, High quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge can promote the repair and regeneration of tissue
1, to promote tissue repair and regeneration of Salvia preparations for treatment: rapid clearance of myocardial necrosis; fibroblast differentiation, formation of collagen fibers obvious; granuloma formation is more mature. Relieve local congestion, improve blood circulation, healing time is shortened.
2, inhibition of excessive proliferation of fibroblasts hyperplasia was inhibited.

Third, Salvia extract can improve liver liver microcirculation.
Fourth, the antimicrobial formulation containing Salvia Cryptotanshinone, dihydrotanshinone, in vitro Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus inhibit denaturation.
high quality Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae therapeutic effect
Salvia bitter, slightly acrid, slightly cold; heart, spleen, liver and kidney blood per drug;
With stasis, nourishing the nerves, cooling blood swelling effect;
Indications bleeding head, chest, threatening, abdominal pain, accumulation, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum stasis abdominal pain, joint arthralgia, bone bruising, febrile disease upset, blood deficiency palpitations, sore swollen poison, Dan scabies rash.
Salvia extract for Sternocostal hypochondriac pain, rheumatism, Zhengjia agglomeration, sore throat, or servant pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis pain. Sternocostal pain treatment, Zhengjia agglomeration, as well as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea pain have a good effect, often with Chuanxiong application compatibility. In terms of the treatment of abdominal pain belong to blood stasis, often with villosum, sandalwood and other drug use.


The application of high quality magnus purple coneflower

1, high quality magnus purple coneflower immune stimulation
Inulin: By increasing the number of white blood cells and neutrophils play a role to improve the monocyte chemotaxis and neutral of the virus to produce lysis.
Polysaccharide: Hydrocarbons T lymphocytes and macrophages, immune cell surface receptor stimulation, can increase the phagocytic activity of macrophages, and stimulate macrophages increase in tumor necrosis factor, interferon number, interleukin numbers, can destruction of tumor cells.
Alkyl amines and caffeic acid derivatives: lipophilic alkyl amines can increase macrophage phagocytic capacity.
Echinacea: increase non-specific T cell activity, interferon production, stimulates lymphocytes, reduced T- helper cells, T- helper cells and decreased the ratio of inhibitor.
2, high quality green envy coneflower Organized update and anti-inflammatory effects
Inhibition of hyaluronidase, can stimulate the growth of fibroblasts synthesize glucosamine and enzymes to produce ketones cortex role in promoting the secretion of adrenal hormones. Polysaccharides have anti-infective effect.
3, high quality echinacea extract benefits has antibacterial effect
Echinacea purpurea glycosides and caffeic acid derivatives have weak antibacterial activity.

4,high quality echinacea angustifolia benefits has antiviral activity
Can inhibit influenza, herpes virus and foaming, due to inhibition of the antiviral activity of hyaluronidase, can hinder the viral cell surface receptors.
5, high quality health benefits echinacea was toxic side effects
Ken excessive amount of lead to low grade fever, dermatitis may occur in sensitive persons.
Echinacea extract clinical application thereof
Echinacea has a good anti-inflammatory effect. For the common cold and trauma, influenza and colds, polyarthritis, whooping cough and upper respiratory tract infections in children, pediatric otitis media, tuberculosis, gynecological infections, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis, eczema, allergic diseases, chronic prostatitis , warts, psoriasis, candidiasis, chronic skin ulcers and chronic osteomyelitis, etc., have varying degrees of efficacy. Echinacea preparations can be treated sinusitis. Some experts in 30 patients with acute sinusitis patients given doxycycline; additional 30 cases given doxycycline and Echinacea compound preparation, X-ray, the latter than the former good-inflammatory effect for people who really a big good. Echinacea can improve the symptoms of bronchitis in children, which has controlled clinical data. Doctor of 1280 children suffering from bronchitis conducted a retrospective study, results showed that Echinacea juice treatment than treatment with antibiotics can speed up the cure process. This is mainly due to bronchitis is mostly a viral infection, antibiotics have little option but Echinacea preparations can stimulate non-specific defense mechanisms to attack virus-infected cells.


The efficacy thereof of high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides

1, high quality Ginkgo Flavone Glycosides may reduce the body's cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis. After slight activity in the elderly physically frail, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness and other significant improvement.
2, by increasing vascular permeability and elasticity and lower blood pressure, high quality reduce blood pressure has better antihypertensive effect.
3, Ginkgo biloba extract can eliminate the deposition of ingredients the vessel wall, improve blood rheology, enhance the deformability of red blood cells, reduce blood viscosity, so that blood flow, prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Arteriosclerosis caused by Alzheimer's disease have a certain effect.
4, ginkgo biloba in combination with antidiabetic medicine treatment of diabetes have a good effect, can be used for adjuvant diabetes.
5, high quality Ginkgo Biloba Extract can significantly reduce menstrual pain and back pain and other symptoms.
6, gingko biloba extract for the treatment of bronchial asthma


Hypoglycemic Effect of high quality green tea extract catechin

A plurality of test data confirmed that polyphenols are inhibitors of sucrose, and therefore high quality green tea extract catechin is possible to suppress the conversion of glucose to sucrose, glucose and so decrease. In addition, there are few reports showed that tea polyphenols can be used for anti-caries, clear bad breath, weight loss, beauty and so on. Polyphenols cancer, anti-aging, hypoglycemic, prevent atherosclerosis, liver and other liver damage associated with antioxidant, scavenging the body of harmful free radicals. Currently polyphenols has been approved as a food antioxidant applications. In Hungary catechins as hepatoprotective drugs already on the market. In China, high quality green tea extract GTP polyphenols have also been put into production as a cardiovascular therapy.


Purple coneflower Purpurea Benefits

high quality echinacea extract benefits should be of particular interest during the cold and flu season when you are exposed to these illnesses on a regular basis. When used correctly it is the closest thing to a cure for the common cold.Purple coneflower stimulates the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotics, which directly attack bacteria, Purple coneflower makes our own immune cells more efficient at attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells. It increases the number and activity of immune system cells including anti-tumor cells, promotes T-cell activation, stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing and reduces inflammation in arthritis and inflammatory skin conditions.
The most consistently proven effect of Purple coneflower is in stimulating phagocytosis (the consumption of invading organisms by white blood cells and lymphocytes). Extracts of Purple coneflower can increase phagocytosis by 20-40%.
Purple coneflower also stimulates the production of interferon as well as other important products of the immune system, including "Tumor Necrosis Factor", which is important to the body's response against cancer.
high quality green tea extract egcg also inhibits an enzyme (hyaluronidase) secreted by bacteria to help them gain access to healthy cells. Research in the early 1950's showed that Purple coneflower could completely counteract the effect of this enzyme, helping to prevent infection when used to treat wounds.
Although Purple coneflower is usually used internally for the treatment of viruses and bacteria, it is now being used more and more for the treatment of external wounds. It also kills yeast and slows or stops the growth of bacteria and helps to stimulate the growth of new tissue. It combats inflammation too, further supporting its use in the treatment of wounds.


Tigh quality green envy coneflower

Little is known about the toxicity of high quality green envy coneflower . Animal studies generally indicate low toxicity.
There are at least 9 species of Echinacea . Those most commonly used medicinally are E. purpurea , E. pallida , and E. angustifolia . Echinacea is native to the United States, specifically Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. Because of confusion regarding the identification of echinacea species, much of the early European research conducted on this plant, particularly E. angustifolia , may have been conducted on E. pallida . E. angustifolia and E. purpurea are perennial herbs with narrow leaves and stout stems that grow from 90 cm to 1.2 m in height that blossom as a single lavender or purple flower head. When chewed, the plant imparts a pungent taste and causes tingling of the lips and tongue. History
echinacea angustifolia benefits is a popular herbal remedy in the United States. The plant was used in traditional medicine by American Indians and quickly adopted by settlers. During the 1800s, claims for the curative properties of the plant ranged from blood purification to treatment of dizziness and rattlesnake bites. During the early part of the 20th century, extracts of the plant were used as anti-infectives; however, the use of these products fell out of favor after the discovery of modern antibiotics. The plant and its extracts continue to be used topically for wound healing and internally to stimulate the immune system.


The troditional uses of high quality pale purple coneflower

High quality pale purple coneflower is a popular herbal remedy in the United States. The plant was used in traditional medicine by American Indians and quickly adopted by settlers. During the 1800s, claims for the curative properties of the plant ranged from blood purification to treatment of dizziness and rattlesnake bites. During the early part of the 20th century, extracts of the plant were used to treat infections; however, the use of these products fell out of favor after the discovery of modern antibiotics. The plant and its extracts continue to be used topically for wound healing and internally to stimulate the immune system.
General uses
There is limited evidence that high quality magnus purple coneflower is effective in shortening the duration of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, but it has not shown effectiveness in prevention. Echinacea may have an affect on the immune system. There is also interest in its potential use in cancer therapy, but clinical trials are lacking. The variation in available commercial products and lack of consistency in clinical trials make specific recommendations difficult.


What is high quality health benefits echinacea?

There are at least 9 species of high quality health benefits echinacea . Those most commonly studied are E. purpurea, E. pallida, and E. angustifolia.
Echinacea is native to the United States, specifically Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. Because of confusion regarding the identification of echinacea species, much of the early research in Europe attributed to E. angustifolia was probably conducted on E. pallida. E. angustifolia and high quality purple coneflower plant are perennial herbs with narrow leaves and stout stems that grow from 90 cm to 1.2 m in height that blossom as a single lavender or purple flower head. When chewed, the plant imparts a pungent taste and causes tingling of the lips and tongue.


Top quality Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. is a traditional Chinese herb that is commonly used by TCM practitioners. To this date, this herb has more than 2000-year history of mature application. And it is also one of important commodities in the international medicine market. In China it is better known as Dan Shen, which was initially documented and classified as top grade herbs in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica), one of the classics and oldest works on Chinese Herbalism. As a matter of fact, there are tons of herbs that are named after “Shen” in Chinese. But it is so wrong to think that they are the same thing and it is dangerous to abuse them for the sake of treatment or simply supplementing. For example, Dan Shen (Salvia), Ren Shen (Ginseng), and Dang Shen (Codonopsis) are so different if viewed from the perspectives of ingredients, pharmacology, and efficacy.
What is salvia miltiorrhiza?Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae has a few different common names, among which the most common ones are Chinese sage, Radix Salviae miltiorrhiza, red sage, danshen, and Tan Shen. Medicinally it mainly means the dried root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge, in the family Labiatae. But some other congeneric plants in different regions are also used for medicine, including Salvia bowleyana Dunn, Salvia przewalskii Maxim., Salvia przewalskii Maxim. var. mandarinorum(Diels)Stib., Salvia yunnanensis C. H. Wright, Salvia kiaometiensis Levl., f. pubescens Stib., Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge var. alba C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li, mss., Salvia digitaloides Diels, S. trijuga Diels, and S. plectranthoides Girff. It is reported that there are more than 100 medicines based on salvia. Given the fact that the wild resources of wild salvia is dwindling, it fails to meet the clinical needs. Thankfully, so far the cultivation technology has developed rapidly and cultivated salvia miltiorrhiza becomes a good alternative source. However, conventional wisdom tends to believe that wild ones are better than cultivated ones on quality. The medicinal root is usually dug in spring and autumn. Next remove the dirt and then dry them in the sun.


Top quality echinacea extract benefits

Root extract from 3 top quality echinacea extract benefits species showed concentration- and time-dependent induction of apoptosis in human pancreatic and colon cancer cell lines.
Animal data
In mice, the mean survival age was prolonged and thymic lymphoma enlargement suppressed with 8 weeks of echinacea therapy, while other experiments have demonstrated elevated natural killer cell levels and prolonged survival times in leukemic mice.Dietary supplementation with E. purpurea in rats undergoing experimental irradiation resulted in the mobilization and enhancement of vitamin E–mediated oxidation/reduction pathways, suggesting that echinacea may have potential as a radioprotector. However, another study in rats showed that coadministration of cadmium and echinacea lead to a concentration of cadmium in certain organs and blood. An in vitro study demonstrated that typical constituents of echinacea species applied topically were effective in the prevention and/or treatment of skin damage caused by ultraviolet/ultraviolet B radiation,and another study suggested radioprotection following oral administration of echinacea by radiology technicians.Clinical data
In a trial investigating the effects of an IV-administered polysaccharide fraction of high quality coneflower perennial plants among patients with advanced gastric cancer, increases in the median number of leukocytes was demonstrated; however, the differences were not considered clinically relevant.Another study involvingpatients with tumors showed no effect on cytokine or leukocytes after using a preparation of E. angustifolia.


The species of high quality echinacea angustifolia benefits

Little is known about the toxicity of echinacea. Animal studies generally indicate low toxicity.
There are at least 9 species of high quality echinacea angustifolia benefits . Those most commonly used medicinally are E. purpurea , E. pallida , and E. angustifolia . Echinacea is native to the United States, specifically Kansas, Nebraska, and Missouri. Because of confusion regarding the identification of echinacea species, much of the early European research conducted on this plant, particularly E. angustifolia , may have been conducted on E. pallida . E. angustifolia and E. purpurea are perennial herbs with narrow leaves and stout stems that grow from 90 cm to 1.2 m in height that blossom as a single lavender or purple flower head. When chewed, the plant imparts a pungent taste and causes tingling of the lips and tongue. History High quality purple coneflower plant is a popular herbal remedy in the United States. The plant was used in traditional medicine by American Indians and quickly adopted by settlers. During the 1800s, claims for the curative properties of the plant ranged from blood purification to treatment of dizziness and rattlesnake bites. During the early part of the 20th century, extracts of the plant were used as anti-infectives; however, the use of these products fell out of favor after the discovery of modern antibiotics. The plant and its extracts continue to be used topically for wound healing and internally to stimulate the immune system. Chemistry
There is general agreement that no single chemical constituent is responsible for echinacea's biological activity. 3 , 7 Most studies indicate that the lipophilic fraction of the root and leaves contains the most potent immunostimulating components. 7 Many alkamides, predominantly isobutylamides, have been described. 8 Caffeic acid glycosides and esters (eg, echinacoside, cynarin, cichoric acid) are found in the root and aerial parts of the plants, but echinoside is not found in E. purpurea .Polysaccharides have been identified in E. purpurea aerial parts and E. pallida root.
The alkamides found in echinacea are available following oral administration, whereas the caffeic acid derivatives are not. The pungent component of the plant is echinacein, an isobutylamide.Depending on the species, the essential oil obtained from the root may be high in unsaturated alkyl ketones or isobutylamides.
Uses and Pharmacology


High quality Purple coneflower Purpurea Benefits

High quality Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)should be of particular interest during the cold and flu season when you are exposed to these illnesses on a regular basis. When used correctly it is the closest thing to a cure for the common cold.
Purple coneflower stimulates the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotics, which directly attack bacteria, Purple coneflower makes our own immune cells more efficient at attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells. It increases the number and activity of immune system cells including anti-tumor cells, promotes T-cell activation, stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing and reduces inflammation in arthritis and inflammatory skin conditions.The most consistently proven effect of Purple coneflower is in stimulating phagocytosis (the consumption of invading organisms by white blood cells and lymphocytes). Extracts of Purple coneflower can increase phagocytosis by 20-40%.
Purple coneflower also stimulates the production of interferon as well as other important products of the immune system, including "Tumor Necrosis Factor", which is important to the body's response against cancer.
Purple coneflower also inhibits an enzyme (hyaluronidase) secreted by bacteria to help them gain access to healthy cells. Research in the early 1950's showed that Purple coneflower could completely counteract the effect of this enzyme, helping to prevent infection when used to treat wounds.
Although health benefits echinacea is usually used internally for the treatment of viruses and bacteria, it is now being used more and more for the treatment of external wounds. It also kills yeast and slows or stops the growth of bacteria and helps to stimulate the growth of new tissue. It combats inflammation too, further supporting its use in the treatment of wounds.