
The troditional uses of high quality pale purple coneflower

High quality pale purple coneflower is a popular herbal remedy in the United States. The plant was used in traditional medicine by American Indians and quickly adopted by settlers. During the 1800s, claims for the curative properties of the plant ranged from blood purification to treatment of dizziness and rattlesnake bites. During the early part of the 20th century, extracts of the plant were used to treat infections; however, the use of these products fell out of favor after the discovery of modern antibiotics. The plant and its extracts continue to be used topically for wound healing and internally to stimulate the immune system.
General uses
There is limited evidence that high quality magnus purple coneflower is effective in shortening the duration of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, but it has not shown effectiveness in prevention. Echinacea may have an affect on the immune system. There is also interest in its potential use in cancer therapy, but clinical trials are lacking. The variation in available commercial products and lack of consistency in clinical trials make specific recommendations difficult.

