
The Caution high quality danshen salvia miltiorrhiza

[Sexual flavor to the bitter, slightly cold. The heart, liver.
[Effect] blood to regulate menstruation, blood stasis and pain, cooling carbuncle, pure heart Chufan, nourishing the nerves.
[Attending] irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, Zhengjia accumulation of abdominal irritation, pain, heat paralysis, sore throat, upset, insomnia; hepatosplenomegaly, angina.
[Application] high quality danshen salvia miltiorrhiza for Sternocostal hypochondriac pain, rheumatism, Zhengjia agglomeration, sore throat, or servant pain, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis pain. Sternocostal pain treatment, Zhengjia agglomeration, as well as irregular menstruation, amenorrhea pain have a good effect, often with Chuanxiong application compatibility. In terms of the treatment of abdominal pain belong to blood stasis, often with villosum, sandalwood and other drug use. For febrile disease heat penetrating the blood, body fat rash, irritability coma. Often with fresh yellow, buffalo horn, Scrophulariaceae and other drug use. For palpitation and insomnia. Often with Semen, Bozi other drugs with the same use.Dosage decoction, 9 ~ 15g. Blood circulation wine Sunburn should use.
[Note] Use anti-veratridine. Pregnant women with caution. [Adverse reactions]
1) individual patients appear stomach pain, decreased appetite, oropharyngeal drying, nausea and vomiting, and Salvia can inhibit the secretion of digestive juices. It should be discontinued, and oral Weishuping, probanthine and other drugs, and might subcutaneous injection of atropine.
2) Advanced Individual schistosome hepatosplenomegaly patients, after taking large doses of Salvia upper gastrointestinal bleeding occurs. Salvia should be discontinued, and give hemostatic agents, vitamins and the like.
3) Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. can cause allergic reactions, manifested as body itching, rash, urticaria, and some also with see chest tightness, suffocation, difficulty breathing, and even then chills, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, irritability, then pale, cold extremities sweating , decreased blood pressure, fainting and even shock. Intramuscular injection of epinephrine immediately or dexamethasone and phenergan and other allergy medication, while traditional Chinese medicine Shengmaisan subtraction conditioning.

