Manufacturer Supply Chinese Sage Extract Tanshinone IIA Perennial herb, 30-100cm. Whole plant densely yellowish pubescent and glandular hairs. Stems four prism, a groove, upper branches. Leaves opposite, imparipinnate bay leaves; petiole length 1-7cm; leaflets usually 5, dilute 3 or 7, top leaflets largest lateral leaflets smaller, small leaves oval to broad oval, long 2 -7cm, width 0.8-5cm, apex acute or acuminate, base obliquely rounded or broadly cuneate, with a round serrated edges, both sides densely white pubescent. Round inflorescence composed of top students or bowel raw racemes, flowers 3-10 flowers each round, the lower part of those alienated by the upper dense; Salvianic Acid A Sodium bracts lanceolate, glabrous above, below a little hair; calyx subcampanulate , purple; corolla two-lipped, blue-purple, long 2-2.7cm, upper lip erect, a sickle shape, apex micro-cracking, lower lip than the upper lip short, apex 3-lobed, central lobe longer
than the side lobes and large; fertile stamens 2, was born in the middle of the lower lip, extending Corolla, the staminodes 2, linear, inserted on both sides of the upper lip throat, anthers degenerate into petals; disc front slightly inflated; ovary superior, 4-parted, style slender, stigma 2-lobed, lobes unequal. Nutlets oblong, brown or black when ripe, about 3.2cm, diameter 1.5mm, wrapped in the calyx. Flowering from May to September, the fruit of August to October